Ever since potatoes in the grocery store came to be known simply as "red", "white" or "russet", knowledge of potato cookery has gone into decline. While potatoes are fantastically versatile, there are significant differences in the varieties that make them well suited for particular purposes. The simple spud, as it turns out, isn't so simple after all. But with just a bit of knowledge you can transform your cooking using this delicious and nutritious tuber. We've broken down the different types of potatoes by the cooking methods you prefer to help you make the most of your potatoes. We also included a comparison chart below to help you compare other characteristics such as storage qualities and disease resistance to help you select the right varieties for your garden.

Dark Red Norland
I like my potatoes new For these tender early treats, boil whole and toss with butter - they can be any variety but we especially recommend Dark Red Norland, Red Chieftain and Purple Viking   I like my potatoes baked, mashed, as French fries, hashbrowns or latkes Choose Burbank Russet potatoes - their fluffy texture is ideal and holds together well when fried - also try All BluePurple Viking and German Butterball  

Yukon Gold
I like my potatoes in chowder, soup, scalloped, boiled, or in potato salad Choose waxy potatoes like Yukon Gold, Yukon Gem and Katahdin or firm, moist potatoes such as Red Chieftain, Dark Red Norland, All Blue, All Red or Purple Viking   I like my potatoes roasted You can't beat the moist, buttery spuds Russian Banana Fingerling and German Butterball  

All Blue
I like my potatoes sauteed or pan fried Choose All Blue, All RedDark Red Norland or German Butterball   2015 Seed Potato Comparison Chart