Ahh, February. The time of crop planning and greenhouse propagation, going to bed early, and professing your love for your Valentine – whether that’s your sweetheart, your mom, your canine pal, or your soul sister. And what better way to show your love than with seeds?

This year we’re excited to introduce two seed collections perfect for gifting to your favorite Valentine-with-a-green-thumb.

Sweets for the Sweet

Sweetheart Valentine CollectionThe Sweetheart Valentine Collection is sweet-as-can-be, celebrating love in its purist and most tender form. This collection is the innocence of a mix tape, a stuffed animal won at the county fair, or a jacket placed over a puddle. This collection wants to ask you to the prom.

  • Who Gets Kissed Sweet Corn: A sweet corn bred for (and by) organic growers. Excellent flavor and texture; good cool soil emergence. Compact 5-6' tall plants with ears 2' off the ground. Good tip fill and husk coverage. Extended harvest window.
  • True Love F1 Melon: High-sugar melon with near perfect texture designed to complement its sister variety, First Kiss F1. A testament to our trials process, this melon is the perfect complement to First Kiss F1 as it is full slip, slightly later and larger, and can be planted as a second succession for continual melon harvest. The aromatic sweetness of this melon evokes the feelings of true love.
  • Rutgers Devotion DMR Basil: An aromatic and sweet Genovese-type basil with excellent downy mildew resistance. This improved basil is another great achievement from the effor ts of Rutgers University and KBC Specialty Seeds. Uniform, flat to cup shaped leaves are tender, flavorful and productive throughout the growing season. These aromatic leaves attract shoppers at the farmers market and are the ideal basil type for making pesto.
  • Sugar Baby Watermelon: The standard for small watermelons! Perfectly rounded, sweet and juicy fruits range from 7-8.5" in diameter with a solid green rind and deep red flesh. Our strain has been selected for cool growing conditions and high yields.
  • Sweetie Cherry Tomato: Super sweet red cherry tomato with high sugar content for eating right off the vine! Masses of 1-1.5" round cherries in long clusters. Firm texture similar to grape tomatoes; ideal for eating fresh or canning. Impressive vigor and reliability, ripening first and perfectly during six weeks of rain and cold - an absolute standout!

Take a Trip Down Lovers' Lane

Lover's Lane Valentine CollectionThe Lovers’ Lane Valentine Collection cranks things up a notch. It's bolder, spicier, a little more daring. You’ll find this collection taking Mom’s car without permission, composing angsty love songs, and making the first move. This collection has some serious swag.

  • Smooth Operator F1 Summer Squash: An elegant summer squash you can pick without pain! Get ready for your easiest harvests ever: Smooth Operator F1 is highly refined both in plant architecture and smoothness. Upright, open habit plants are easy to access, quick to pick, and yield a gorgeous crop of long, slim fruit with very smooth skin.
  • Butterbaby Butternut Squash: Flavorful, high-yielding mini butternut squash on vigorous vines. The 4-6" fruit is uniform and classically shaped with attractive skin and beautiful interior flesh. The small size is perfect for a two-person meal and is very desirable in a CSA box or on a market table. Intermediate resistance to powdery mildew.
  • Rutgers Obsession DMR Basil: Very attractive, compact plants with the strongest downy mildew resistance we've seen. This line of downy mildew resistant basil has been trialed against market standards all across the country and has come up aces every time. In our own field trials in northern Vermont, Obsession also impressed us with high marks for plant vigor and bolt tolerance. Plants have a high leaf-to-stem ratio and average 26" in height. Suitable for field or potted plant production.
  • Pink Champagne Cherry Tomato: Gorgeous deep pink fruit on manageable plants with big tomato flavor. Plants are productive and less vining than other cherries, making for efficient harvest and management. Packs the flavor of a large tomato in a small size. Fruit is especially attractive when the strongly attached calyx is left on, a true standout on a market table due to its specialty appeal.
  • Ring-O-Fire Cayenne Pepper: “And it burns, burns, burns," just like Johnny Cash said. Ring-O-Fire is an improved cayenne that matures earlier and has a glossy sheen with a fire engine red color. Prolific and dependable plants reach heights of 18" tall and produce loads of thin-skinned fruits, great for eating fresh, dried or powdered. Heat is more mild than other cayenne varieties, resulting in peppers that are excellent for fresh preparations.

We’re here to help you celebrate your beloveds on Valentine’s Day and beyond – after all, organic seeds are perfect gifting options for any occasion! If you need assistance or have questions about specific varieties, our Customer Service team would love to help you. Email questions@highmowingseeds.com or call 866-735-4454.