Barbarea verna

Belle Isle Cress

Days to Maturity: 50 days

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Very dark green, deeply lobed glossy leaves are exceptionally nutritious.

Named for an island on which shipwrecked 17th century Portuguese sailors survived the winter thanks to this little plant. Rich in Vitamin C, calcium, iron and especially Vitamin A. Best quality in cooler weather. From our friends at Wild Garden Seeds in Oregon. 11,000 seeds/oz.

  • Early spring/late fall crop
  • Upright habit
  • Open-Pollinated
Note: High Mowing ensures all seed lots of this variety are independently tested for the diseases black rot (Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris) and black leg (Leptosphaeria maculans, anamorph Phoma lingam). Only seed lots that test negative for black rot and black leg are released for sale.

23.7-26.2M (25M avg) seeds/oz, 380-420M (400M avg) seeds/lb. M=1,000. 1/32 oz approx. 750 seeds. Direct seeding rate: 15 seeds/foot in rows 12-18” apart, thin to 4”. Transplants: 4-6 seeds/cell at 4-6” in rows 12-18” apart.

Cultural Info

Specialty greens are cold hardy and fast growing leafy plants. Days to maturity are from direct seeding, except for chicories (endive, escarole, puntarelle, radicchio,) where days to maturity are from transplant.

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