Ocimum basilicum

Aroma 2 Basil

Days to Maturity: 70 days

In stock
Starting at: As low as $4.70

The standard for commercial growers with thick, dark green leaves.

An improved Genovese type with 3" leaves and strong fusarium wilt resistance. For field or greenhouse. Plants are 20-24" tall. Superior characteristics to Aroma 1. From our partners at Genesis Seeds. Approx. 18,500 seeds/oz.

  • Holds well in field/storage
  • Resists bolting
  • Open-Pollinated

Disease Resistance Details
High Resistance: Fusarium Wilt

Cultural Info

Tender annual. Direct seed after last frost or start transplants at 70-80'F 4-6 weeks before planting out. Sow 1/4" deep, plants 2-8" apart in rows 12-24" apart, depending on variety. Store unwashed.

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