Cosmos sulphureus

Bright Lights Blend Cosmos

Days to Maturity: 85 days

In stock
Starting at: As low as $3.90

Multitudes of flame-colored flowers on bushy plants.

Golden-yellow, burnt orange and fiery-red petals cover these 2.5" wide fully double flowers. Excellent eye-catching border plant, and in pots and bouquets. Cosmos require little fertility or care, making them great for beginning gardeners. NOTE: This species is considered invasive in some states in the southeastern U.S. Check your region's invasive species list for full information. Approx. 3,750 seeds/oz.

  • Easy to grow
  • Attracts bees
  • 2-3' tall
  • Annual
  • Open-Pollinated

Cultural Info

Cold-hardy annual. Direct seed after last frost or start transplants 2-4 weeks before planting date. Sow 1/4-1/2" deep using 2 seeds/6", plants 9-12" apart in poor soil. NOTE: Considered invasive in some states. Check your region's invasive species list for full information.

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