Nepeta cataria


Days to Maturity: 80 days

In stock
Starting at: As low as $3.75

Beloved by cats but also an ornamental and medicinal with relaxing properties.

Dry leaves for a year-round cat treat, leaving flowers as an offering for the bees. Scarify seeds to aid germination. Seeds can be direct sown as soon as soil can be worked. Transplants can be started 8-10 weeks before setting out. Approx. 46,000 seeds/oz.

  • Tea plant
  • Medicinal and ornamental
  • Perennial
  • Open-Pollinated

Cultural Info

Perennial hardy to Zone 3. Direct seed as soon as soil can be worked or start transplants 10 weeks before planting out. Rub seeds with sandpaper to scarify. Sow 1/8-1/4" deep, thin to 12" when plants reach 4" tall.

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